

Register for the on-demand recordings

Individual registration
The virtual registration includes:

On-demand access to the recordings of the scientific and educational sessions of the meeting that took place 10-12 November, 2022.

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All session times are in Eastern European Time (EET).

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Pomalidomide prolongs survival in refractory myeloma patients

MM-003 is a large, multi-centre phase 3 study that assessed the efficacy and safety of a new drug, Pomalidomide (POM) in combination with low-dose dexamethasone (POM+LoDex) and compared this combination with high dose dexamethasone in MM patients with late stage…

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EHA-AHA hematology tutorial on Biology and Management of Myeloid Malignancies

In 2016, a new hematology center opened in Yerevan, which offers new services, enabling professionals working there to apply theoretical knowledge and advanced approaches in everyday practice.

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Highlights from the SWG

The European Scientific foundation for Laboratory Hemato Oncology (ESLHO), together with the three scientific consortia of EuroClonality, EuroMRD, and EuroFlow, share the same four goals:

Research and innovation of diagnostic patient care
Standardization of laboratory diagnostics
Quality assessment
ESLHO supports the three consortia in…

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Press Release "Crucial Directives must be revised to protect patients' interests and improve access to treatment"

This was a key message of a two-day conference, “Haematology and the next European decade”, hosted by the European Parliament and attended by doctors, researchers, parliamentarians, patients’ organisations and Commission officials.

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