EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial on Hematological Disorders
Dates: February 28-29, 2020
Location: Chandigarh, India
Chairs: N Varma, P Malhotra, J Gribben
Organized by: European Hematology Association (EHA) & Indian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (ISHBT)
EHA will join ISHBT for a fourth time to organize the EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial, this time in Chandigargh,…
“Complement-ing” positive outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic
Dr Dimitrios Mastellos (@dmastellos)
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on research worldwide. Multiple projects have been halted and researchers have lost their jobs.
Highlights from the SWG
SWG AML Annual Scientific MeetingThe most recent SWG AML Annual Scientific Meeting took place during the annual EHA Congress in Frankfurt, Germany.
Read moreThe European Union must deliver funding for research of blood disorders
At the 20th Annual Congress of EHA, the results of two major projects are presented. The first is a study into the Cost of Blood Disorders in the EU Member States and Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland.
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