
Hans Erik Johnsen 1948-2018

On May 17, 2018, just after his 70th birthday, Hans Erik Johnsen passed away. Hans Johnsen was Professor of Clinical Hematology at the Department of Hematology at Aalborg University in Denmark.

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Killer antibodies against AML

Most patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) can only be cured when a stem cell transplant induces an immune response against the patient’s leukemia.

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Press Release: News on Red Cells and Iron presented at the 18th Congress of the European Hematology Asscociation in Stockholm June 13-16, 2013

Recent evidence suggests that these congenital anaemias are caused by molecular abnormalities in the transport of iron and other molecules and a deeper understanding of these mechanisms may lead to a better knowledge of the normal development of the red…

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Publication of EHA Annual General Meeting 2023 minutes

EHA impact video


The 2023 EHA Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place in Frankfurt, Germany on June 9, 2023.

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Curriculum-Exam Committee

Current committee members
Jose Tomás Navarro Ferrando, Spain (Chair)
Marielle Wondergem, The Netherlands (Vice-Chair and Progress test lead)
Alicia Rovó, Switzerland (Representative, Swiss Society)
Regular members
Gunnar Birgegård, Sweden
Roza Chaireti, Sweden
Carlos Fernández de Larrea, Spain
Mahesh Prahladan, United Kingdom
Ulla Wartiovaara-Kautto, Finland
AimTo promote harmonization in hematology training…

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More than science: the European Affairs program at EHA2023

To develop and administer safe, innovative and effective treatments for patients with blood diseases, hematologists need an effective and enabling regulatory environment.

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Registration & accommodation

Registration is closed

Individual RegistrationRegistration fee includes:

Access to the scientific and educational sessions of the meeting
Digital meeting materials including the program and abstract book
Networking opportunities during breaks, receptions and dinners
Catering during meeting hours incl.

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What to expect

FacultyThe faculty is made up of international leaders in clinical hematology research, statisticians, experts in regulatory and ethical aspects of clinical research and more.

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