SWG Educational Activities

Recruitment trials

Recruitment is underway for the following trials:

Recuitment has completed for the following trial:

Standards for functional precision medicine project

Standards for functional precision medicine, a project initiated by the SWG on Precision Hematology, received a 2023 SWG Grant and is currently underway.


Dates and location

The EHA2023 Hybrid Congress took place from June 8–11, 2023, in Frankfurt, Germany, and online.


  • SWG on Precision Hematology session: ‘Precision hematology towards ‘n of one’ therapies’
  • Science-in-Focus session: ‘Functional precision oncology for hematopoietic cancers’

AACR Annual Meeting 2023

Dates and location

The AACR Annual Meeting 2023 took place from April 14–19, 2023, in Orlando, USA. SWG members contributed to the event.


A ‘Functional Precision Medicine in Oncology’ session took place, with contributions from SWG members.


HARMONY-related activities include:

  • Participation in the IHI HARMONY Alliance project
  • Involvement in the establishment of the HARMONY Alliance Foundation