Fundamentals for a Systematic Approach to Mild and Moderate Inherited Bleeding Disorders: An EHA Consensus Report
Healthy subjects frequently report minor bleedings that are frequently ‘background noise’ of normality rather than a true disorder. Nevertheless, unexpected or unusual bleeding may be alarming. The aim of the workshop is to increase your knowledge on diagnosis and management of patients with mild or moderate bleeding disorders.
This workshop was part of a series of six workshops, each focused on the published EHA Guidelines. Registration for the full workshop series was free and the on-demand recordings were made available on the platform. The Guidelines Workshops are designed to raise awareness about EHA producing and endorsing existing guidelines. In addition, the Workshops aimed to disseminate good practices and knowledge for diagnosis and treatment of hematologic diseases and illustrate the application of the guidelines in the real world setting.
During the workshop two authors of the Guidelines presented an overview of the guidelines, reviewing diagnostic criteria and discussing treatment strategies. Patient cases were presented to illustrate the application of the guidelines in the real-world setting. The workshops were interactively-designed, allowing the audience to participate in polls and submit questions, which were discussed live during the workshop between the panel members.
Live session date: April 20, 2021
Live session time: 16:30 - 18:00 CET
Chairs: F Rodeghiero, I Pabinger, R Abdul-Kadir
The EHA Guideline Workshop is an 1,5 hour workshop and consists of:
- Opening & Introduction
F Rodeghiero (Italy) - Guidelines overview
F Rodeghiero (Italy) - Patient case presentation: Management of pregnancy and delivery
Ö Turan (United Kingdom) - Patient case presentation: Bleeding after haemostatic challenges
D Mehic (Austria) - Q&A and panel discussion
F Rodeghiero (Italy), R Abdul Rezan Kadir (United Kingdom) and I Pabinger (Austria) - Closing
I Pabinger (Austria)
The distinction between normal and pathologic bleeding is critical. Understanding the underlying pathologic mechanism in patients with an excessive bleeding is essential for their counseling and treatment, but unfortunately, practical recommendations for the management of these disorders are still lacking. To address this gap, an International Working Group (IWG) was established by the European Hematology Association (EHA) to develop consensus-based guidelines on the mild to moderate inherited bleeding disorders (MBDs). Prof Rodeghiero, Prof Pabinger and Prof Renal Abdul-Kadir, three of the lead authors of the guidelines were joined by their colleague Dr. Mehic and Dr. Turan to discuss how these MBDs are defined, reviewing clinical criteria, such as bleeding phenotype, laboratory and genetic aspects.The panel presented and discussed a provisional comprehensive patient-centered initial diagnostic approach and two specific patient cases for real-world application. The audience discussed the presentations with the panel.
Click here to view the EHA guidelines (on HemaSphere)

Participants of the EHA Guidelines Workshop Series received a total of 4 Continuing Medical Education (CME) points. You can no longer receive CME points by watching the recordings of the Guidelines Workshops.