EHA Endorsement of ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Follow-up of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
European Hematology Association (EHA) and European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) agreed to collaborate on the production of European Guidelines for different hematological malignancies. As a first step, a number of completed guidelines have been reviewed by the corresponding EHA Scientific Working Groups in a standardized review process. Representing an example of this collaboration, in the case of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the European Research Initiative on CLL—which is also the corresponding EHA Working Group on CLL— endorsed the ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up for CLL released on October 19, 2020, in accordance with the ESMO standard operating procedures for Clinical Practice Guidelines development.
This workshop was part of a series of six workshops, each focused on the published EHA Guidelines. Registration for the full workshop series was free and the on-demand recordings were made available on the platform. The Guidelines Workshops are designed to raise awareness about EHA producing and endorsing existing guidelines. In addition, the Workshops aimed to disseminate good practices and knowledge for diagnosis and treatment of hematologic diseases and illustrate the application of the guidelines in the real world setting.
During the workshop authors of the Guidelines presented an overview of the guidelines, reviewing diagnostic criteria and discussing treatment strategies. Patient cases were presented to illustrate the application of the guidelines in the real-world setting. The workshops were interactively-designed, allowing the audience to participate in polls and submit questions, which were discussed live during the workshop between the panel members.
Live session date: February 23, 2021
Live session time: 16:30 - 18:00 CET
Chairs: Prof B Eichhorst & Prof P Ghia
The EHA Guideline Workshop is an 1,5 hour workshop and consists of:
- Opening & Introduction
P Ghia (Italy) - Guidelines overview: Front-line treatment
P Ghia (Italy) - Patient case presentation: Treatment-naïve CLL
L Scarfò (Italy) - Guidelines overview: Treatment for relapsed CLL
B Eichhorst (Germany) - Patient case presentation: Relapsed CLL
M Fürstenau (Germany) - Q&A and panel discussion
All speakers - Closing
B Eichhorst (Germany)
In the 4th workshop, Prof Eichhorst launched the workshop by welcoming the audience and introducing the panel speakers. Prof Ghia presented the guidelines, focusing on treatment therapies for people with TP35 mutation and IgHV mutations. Dr Scarfo showcased how the guidelines applied in the case of a treatment-naïve 67-year old male patient with CLL. Next, Prof Eichhorst discussed relevant factors for choice of relapse therapy, such as the genetic evolution and reviewed the chemoimmuntherapy option and targeted agents, by analyzing different clinical scenarios. She then illustrated how the guidelines were applied in the clinical case of a 74-year old male patient with refractory CLL. The workshop concluded with a vivid discussion between the panel and the audience.

Click here to view the EHA Endorsement of the guidelines (on HemaSphere)
Participants of the EHA Guidelines Workshop Series received a total of 4 Continuing Medical Education (CME) points. You can no longer receive CME points by watching the recordings of the Guidelines Workshops.