EHA Guidelines on Recommendations for Pregnancy in Rare Inherited Anemias
EHA and the Scientific Working Group on Red Cells and Iron organized the first online workshop on the EHA Guidelines: “Recommendations for Pregnancy in Rare Inherited Anemias”.
This workshop was part of a series of six workshops, each focused on the published EHA Guidelines. Registration for the full workshop series was free and the on-demand recordings were made available on the platform. The Guidelines Workshops are designed to raise awareness about EHA producing and endorsing existing guidelines. In addition, the Workshops aimed to disseminate good practices and knowledge for diagnosis and treatment of hematologic diseases and illustrate the application of the guidelines in the real world setting.
During the workshop authors of the Guidelines presented an overview of the guidelines, reviewing diagnostic criteria and discussing treatment strategies. Patient cases were presented to illustrate the application of the guidelines in the real-world setting. The workshops were interactively-designed, allowing the audience to participate in polls and submit questions, which were discussed live during the workshop between the panel members.
Live session date: November 25, 2020
Live session time: 16:00 - 17:30 CET
Chairs: A Taher (LB), A Iolascon (IT)
Target audience
Hematologists, clinicians, transfusion medicine specialists.
- Opening & Welcome
By authors A Iolascon (Italy) & A Taher (Lebanon) - Clinical case presentation: Thalassemia and pregnancy
A Finianos (Lebanon) - Clinical case presentation: SCD and pregnancy
L De Franceschi (Italy) - Clinical case discussion
Moderated by MD Cappellini (Italy) - Presentation of the Guidelines on pregnancy
A Taher (Lebanon) - Q&A and panel discussion
Chaired by A Iolascon (Italy) - Closing Remarks
Before the EHA Guidelines on Management of Pregnancy in rare inherited anemias, there were no clear-cut guidelines outlining the pathophysiological trends and management options unique to this special population. In the first workshop, the participants learned about the impact of rare anemias on maternal and fetal outcomes. Prof Taher presented an overview of the guidelines and their application illustrated in patient cases of pregnant women with sickle-cell disease, with thalassemia and with congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type 2, presented by Dr Finianos and Dr De Franceschi. The workshop was followed by an interactive discussion between the audience and the panel members, moderated by Prof Iolascon.
Click here to view the EHA guidelines (on HemaSphere)

Participants of the EHA Guidelines Workshop Series received a total of 4 Continuing Medical Education (CME) points. You can no longer receive CME points by watching the recordings of the Guidelines Workshops.