EHA-TSH Hematology Tutorial on Acute Leukemia
Dates: April 28-29, 2018
Location: Istanbul, Türkiye
Chairs: H Özsan, G Ossenkoppele
EHA in close collaboration with the Turkish Society of Hematology organize the 7th two-day tutorial on “Acute leukemia”. The tutorial is part of the Turkish School of Hematology, a training program for Turkish fellows in hematology.
Goal of the meeting
This two-day meeting aims to increase the knowledge of participants on diagnosis and treatment of a variety of acute leukemias. This will be done through lectures, interactive self-assessment cases and real patient case-based presentations. It is also a great opportunity to meet and interact with international experts.
Target audience
Hematology fellows from Türkiye.
The following topics will be covered:
- Diagnosis: Flowcytometry (incl. MRD)
- Diagnosis/Prognosis: Molecular biology & genetics
- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia - B-ALL & T-ALL (epidemiology, treatment)
- Acute myeloblastic leukemia (epidemiology, treatment)
- Childhood leukemias
- Acute myeloblastic leukemia (epidemiology, treatment)
- Acute promyelocytic leukemia (epidemiology, treatment)
- Transplantation in acute leukemias
- Novel therapies / Immuno-therapy in acute leukemias
The full meeting program can be found here.
Learning objectives
After attending this meeting, the participant will be able to:
- describe the epidemiology and treatment of pediatric and adult acute leukemia,
- understand diagnosis and prognosis of acute leukemia, and
- understand how to diagnose and manage acute leukemia.
Registration for the EHA-TSH Tutorial is restricted to Turkish hematology fellows who are Turkish Society of Hematology members. For information regarding this tutorial and TSH membership, please contact
EBAH CME Accreditation

Tutorials are accredited by the European Board for Accreditation in Hematology (EBAH) CME. EBAH CME is the best way for hematologists to master the latest developments within the specialty of hematology. Staying abreast of these scientific developments and keeping in touch with the up-to-date views on clinical policy will enable you to raise your professional level, ultimately resulting in the best treatment for your patients.