Faculty Information
We are honored that you have agreed to be part of the faculty for the EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on MDS/MPN/AML: Commonalities and Differences of Myeloid Neoplasms, to be held on November 2-4, 2023 in Budapest, Hungary.
On this page, you will find the important deadlines as well as useful meeting materials and templates.
Online confirmation form
We will need the information in the form to arrange your accommodation and travel so please fill it in at your earliest convenience and no later than May 12, 2023.
Confirmation form
Lecture summary
The lecture summary consists of a brief summary of your lecture including a concise list of references or a further reading list. Your lecture summary will be included in meeting materials such as the program book and the virtual platform. Please read the guidelines before you fill in the lecture summary template.
We also ask for 1-3 learning objectives for your presentation, through which to demonstrate the expected results. These are an important part of the format of EHA educational and scientific meetings and will be included on the virtual platform. Please also include them at the start of your presentation.
Please fill in the template and send the file to scientificmeetings@ehaweb.org no later than August 22, 2023.
Lecture summary template
Publishing authorization
Please fill in and send us a Publishing Authorization (PA) for the meeting acknowledging that you will be filmed and recorded for the virtual platform. Without a signed PA we are not allowed to broadcast the session.
Therefore, please send your signed PA to scientificmeetings@ehaweb.org no later than August 22, 2023.
Publishing authorization