EHA-Baltic Hematology Tutorial on Bleeding Disorders & Thrombosis

EHA-Baltic Hematology Tutorial on Bleeding Disorders & Thrombosis
August 28 – 30, 2020
Virtual & Riga, Latvia
Meeting Chairs:
Prof S Eichinger (European Hematology Association)
Prof S Lejniece (Latvian Society of Hematology)
In the last weekend of August, the 2nd joint Hematology Tutorial with the Latvian Society of Hematology (LASH), the Estonian Society of Hematology (EHS) and the Lithuanian Society of Hematology (LISH) took place focused on Bleeding Disorders & Thrombosis.
EHA and the Baltic Societies embarked in a new direction with the international faculty and Tutorial attendees, who came together physically and virtually. The hybrid format of the meeting worked very well with interaction between persons connecting from various different countries and the first hybrid Tutorial was concluded successfully.
The EHA-Baltic Hematology Tutorial on Bleeding disorders & Thrombosis is an excellent occasion to meet peers and distinguished faculty members, even in the hybrid design conducted in 2020. It covers a range of well-chosen topic which are relevant in clinical practice and fosters critical discussions.
Dr M Nagler (International Faculty)
As part of the virtual program, almost a dozen faculty members live streamed presentations from their homes or offices, in Austria, Italy, Finland, Switzerland, UK, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands. The program was followed by more than 25 remote attendees, that could not be present in person. In person, Prof Lejniece coordinated in Riga the clinical case presenters from the region and about 60 attendees. The chairs Prof Lejniece and Prof Eichinger, worked together to connecting and include the online and in-person elements.
For this meeting the online voting system functioned well to test the knowledge of the participants during the self-assessment cases. The presenters could see the combined voting results from both the online and in-person attendees.
Using voting boxes attendees provided us with an overall rating directly after the meeting, more than 70% of the attendees rated the overall meet as good or excellent! There was a very good level of activity and the meeting was definitely relevant to participants’ work.
"Very fruitful and cosy event! We were all distracted by Covid but EHA-Baltic Tutorial brought us on track in full power! Was so nice to feel it!" - Dr Saulyte Trakymiene (Clinical Case presenter)
EHA would like to thank the organizing partner, the Latvian Society of Hematology (LASH), as well as the Estonian Society of Hematology (EHS) and the Lithuanian Society of Hematology (LISH), the local logistical organizers, sponsors, faculty, and attendees for their contribution to the Tutorial’s success.