Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Latin America (LA) 2022 - report

HOPE LA 2022

November 17-19, 2022 – Barranquilla, Colombia

Meeting chairs:
D McLornan, Vice-Chair Global Outreach Program Committee, European Hematology Association (EHA)
V Abello Polo, President, Asociación Colombiana de Hematología y Oncología (ACHO)

This year, the HOPE LA meeting was held in collaboration with the Asociación Colombiana de Hematología y Oncología (ACHO), and linked to their annual congress. There were two parts to the program: oncology and hematology. HOPE provided the hematology program, but attendance was open to all.

The meeting could be attended in-person in Colombia or virtually via the EHA or ACHO platforms. There were close to 350 attendees on site and 170 virtual registrations, with delegates from 26 different countries, mainly in Latin America.

Over the course of 3 days, various topics of the EHA2022 Hybrid Congress were covered, such as MDS, MPN, lymphoid malignancies, acute leukemias, and bleeding & thrombosis. Presentations were given by Congress speakers and Global Outreach Program Committee members, and chaired by representatives from the eleven HOPE LA Partner Societies. Presentations were interpreted in either Spanish or English, allowing for greater understanding of the subject among the diverse audience. This approach helped foster extensive discussion and interactivity at the end of each session – expertly led by the chairs.

Each HOPE meeting aims to provide a Regional Symposium, with speakers nominated by partner societies, and focuses on a topic relevant to the region. For HOPE LA, the topic was ‘The impact of COVID-19’. Each presenter was very open about the current situation and the consequences of the pandemic in their respective countries. The honesty and sometimes brutal truth was very much appreciated and respected by attendees.

Another highly appreciated session was the one dedicated to Latin American Collaborative Groups. Representatives from GELAMM (Grupo Latinoamericano de estudio de Mieloma Múltiple), GLAM Grupo Latinoamericano de Síndromes Mielodisplásicos), LANET (LANet de Leucemia Mieloide Crónica), and GELL (Grupo LatinAmericano de Linfomas) presented their current work and future goals. Also looking to the future was the session “Information as a bridge for equity in health in Latin America”, in which AI, for example, was shown to be beneficial to the hematology field.

Thank you for the meeting. It was very important to meet all of the presidents and work like a team.  I love all the presentations very practical.

HOPE LA Faculty

Muchas gracias, como médico residente fue muy productivo esta actividad.

HOPE LA Virtual Attendee

The meeting would not have been possible without the invaluable input and participation by the HOPE LA Partners:



Last Updated on Friday 16 December 2022.