What to expect from European Affairs at EHA2024

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European Affairs gives a voice to hematology professionals in Europe. The department ensures that the interests of EHA members are duly represented in policy, regulatory and scientific areas and networks.

At this year’s congress, the following sessions form part of the European Affairs & Hematology track:

  • We are organizing two joint symposia – one with the European Medicines Agency and the other with Patient Organizations.
  • A scientific session overseen by the AYA Taskforce (whose work will inform EHA's future advocacy).
  • A European Projects in Hematology session.

EHA European Affairs also coordinates the Collaboration Plaza, which hosts our Patient Organizations, other not-for-profit partners, and initiatives and projects we’re involved in. The EHA-led Coalition for Reducing Bureaucracy in Clinical Trials will be present as well.

In addition, we are hosting (invitation-only) meetings:

  • A two-day meeting of the ASCERTAIN consortium
  • An AYA taskforce meeting
  • The ERN-EuroBloodNet meeting on the topic ‘boosting data driven research and innovative therapies & fostering best practices and access to highly specialized care’

EHA-Patient Joint Symposium

The symposium provides a prominent opportunity to highlight the patient perspective on policy and regulatory issues, at Congress. Each session allows for an open and equitable discussion between patients, hematologists, and other pivotal stakeholders, such as regulators, payers, and industry.

Session 1: Whose needs exactly? Unmet Medical Need in the EU Pharmaceutical Legislation

This session parallels a key legislative development – the revision of the European Union’s pharmaceutical legislation. Speakers will share their perspectives on the impact the definition of UMN can have on access to medicines, discuss whether the definition aligns with patient needs, and examine where they see its value and shortcomings.

Session 2: Fair Pricing: does the value of new medicines in hematology justify the high prices?

This session delves into how the issue of high prices can be addressed, in view of improving access to treatments with added value for patients. Key questions will be what ‘fair’ pricing would actually look like, and whether a solution can be found that is of benefit to all.

EHA-EMA Joint Symposium

This symposium, organized with the European Medicines Agency, attests to the close collaboration between EMA and EHA throughout the past years, and reflects the importance of aligning regulatory frameworks with clinical practice. The session will delve into the use of real-world evidence (RWE) in the evaluation of new drugs, from the perspective of investigators, regulators, and patients. This discussion is critical, given the growing interest in RWE as a supplement to clinical trial data.

AYA Session: Automimmune cytopenias looking forward in time: The adolescent/young adult experience

This session, organized by the EHA Taskforce for Adolescents and Young Adults with Hematologic Diseases, forms part of the scientific program. It will present the field of automimmune cytopenias, a rapidly developing topic that affects particularly the AYA population. Speakers will focus on diagnostic and new therapeutic options and the transition to adult care.

Last Updated on Tuesday 04 June 2024.