EHA2025 Congress

The European Hematology Association promotes excellence in patient care, research, and education in hematology.

Experience the Future of Hematology at EHA2025


Join us for the 30th EHA Congress, taking place from June 12-15, 2025, as we revolutionize the way we learn and connect in Hematology! Our team has worked tirelessly to reimagine the Congress experience, introducing innovative features that will transform your learning journey.

Say goodbye to traditional formats and hello to a more dynamic and engaging program, featuring Satellite Symposia and Updates-in-Hematology sessions, generously sponsored by leading organizations. Enjoy a more streamlined schedule, with strategically placed Plenary Sessions throughout the Congress days.

With an increased focus on invited speakers and a second poster session, we're thrilled to showcase the latest groundbreaking research. Our revised program ensures a balanced mix of scientific content, with fewer parallel sessions to minimize information overload.

At EHA2025, we're committed to creating an unforgettable experience that fosters connections, sparks innovation, and accelerates progress. Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of the field!

Join us in June 2025 and be part of the revolution in Hematology!