
Thanks for registering for 7th European CAR T-cell Meeting, scheduled to take place on February 6-8, 2025, in StrasbourgFrance.

This page provides information on accommodation options available for your stay in Strasbourg.

Hotels Map

On the Hotels Map page, you can explore nearby hotels to the meeting venue and book your stay. Please note that there are no special discounted rates available when booking accommodations through this page. 

Recommended hotels with discounted rates

See below the recommended hotels offering discounted rates.

Please note that the availability is not guaranteed.

$ (100 - 160 euro)

  • Le Grand Hôtel
    • Webpage
    • Distance from the meeting venue: approx. 33 mins walk or 20 mins tram
    • Booking link here
  • Voco Strasbourg Centre
    • Webpage
    • Distance from the meeting venue: approx. 26 mins walk or 15 mins tram
    • Booking link here
  • Hôtel Boma
    • Webpage
    • Distance from the meeting venue: approx. 33 mins walk or 18s min tram
    • Booking link here

$$ (161 - 200 euro)

  • Hilton Strasbourg
    • Webpage
    • Distance from the meeting venue: approx. 5 mins walk 
    • Booking link here
  • Tandem Boutique Hôtel
    • Webpage
    • Distance from the meeting venue: approx. 36 mins walk or 19 mins tram
    • Booking: participants of the meeting will need to send an email with the code: EHA2025

$$$ (201 - 250 euro)

  • Régent Contades
    • Webpage
    • Distance from the meeting venue: approx. 23 min walk or 15 min tram
    • Booking link here
  • Cour du Corbeau
    • Webpage
    • Distance from the meeting venue: approx. 37 min walk or 24 min tram
    • Booking form hereBooking individuals need to fill out the form and send it back to the hotel.
  • Léonor
    • Webpage
    • Distance from the meeting venue: approx. 25 min walk or 16 min tram
    • Booking link here

$$$$ (250+ euro)

  • Pavillon Régent Petite France
    • Webpage
    • Distance from the meeting venue: approx. 36 min walk or 21 min tram
    • Booking link here


Beware of unauthorized or fraudulent hotel and registration booking agencies!

If you are contacted by an agency offering housing and registration for the 7th European CAR T-cell Meeting in Strasbourg, please note that these companies are not authorized to represent the EHA in any way.

If you are contacted by any such agency or have any questions regarding their legitimacy, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

How does hotel fraud work?

These groups promote attractive deals with the venue or nearby hotels, but once payment has been received, the company disappears and can no longer be contacted by phone or email. Once the attendee contacts the hotel directly about their room, they realize the hotel has no record of them or their stay. Not only is their money gone, they must then scramble to find last-minute accommodation.