
EHA Mentorship Program eligibility

Before applying for the EHA Mentorship Program, please consider the eligibility criteria on this page. You should also read our policy on life events.

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European Affairs Committee

Committee members
Elizabeth Macintyre, France (Chair)
Antonio Almeida, Portugal
Natacha Bolaños, Spain (Patient advocate)
Lorenzo Brunetti, Italy
Raffaella Colombatti, Italy
Julio Delgado, Spain
Isabelle Durand-Zaleski, France (Advisory member)
Tarec El-Galaly, Denmark
Martin Kaiser, Germany
Frank Leebeek, The Netherlands (Advisory member)
Kate Morgan, United Kingdom (Patient advocate)
Marek Mraz, Czech Republic
Kostas Stamatopoulos, Greece

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The interaction of von Willebrand factor with platelet glycoprotein Ib: pathological implications and clinical manifestations

The EHA Specialized Working Group (SWG) on Thrombocytopenias and Platelet Function Disorders and the EHA-SWG on Bleeding and Thrombosis are pleased to collaborate on a recent free webinar: "The interaction of von Willebrand factor with platelet glycoprotein Ib: pathological implications and clinical…

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Words of wisdom

Do you ever wonder what established leaders in the field would tell their younger selves? We have asked this question for you! Every month we bring to you a unique career perspective from people who have once been in your…

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Young National Society Ambassadors

Early-career ambassadors from national societies who liaise with EHA and the Young EHA Committee on different projects.

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