EHA-SFH joint membership
Save money and time by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Société Française d’Hématologie. We've joined forces with the Société Française d’Hématologie (SFH) to offer a special joint membership deal.
Read moreMeeting Program
Program by dayPlease click on the image to open the full program by day. Program-at-a-glance
Please click on the image to open the program-at-a-glance.
Manage your membership
It's easy to amend your contact details or update your preferences. To get started, make sure you have your MyEHA log-in details. You can then follow the relevant steps below.
Read moreRenew your membership
If you want to keep enjoying the benefits of EHA membership— from around-the-clock access to EHA Campus to discounts on EHA Congress registration—you'll need to renew your membership.
Read moreChoose your membership
Wherever you are in the world, you can join our vibrant community and benefit from our rigorous resources and career-enhancing opportunities.
Read moreHealthcare-affiliated professional membership
You don't need to be scientific researcher or a physician to join our vibrant community.
Read moreEmeritus membership
If you're a scientific researcher, physician, or healthcare-affiliated professional who's now retired or is close to retirement, you can join EHA at a reduced rate.
Read moreFull membership
Our most popular type of membership is designed for established scientific researchers and physicians.
Read moreEHA2025 delegate services [draft]
EHA is pleased to introduce delegate services for the upcoming EHA2025 Congress—services that registered participants can use prior, during, or after the event. Special airline fare
Enjoy a discounted flight rate and join us in Milan.