
ESH-EBMT-EHA-IPIG 3rd Translational Research Conference

ESH-EBMT-EHA-IPIG 3rd Translational Research Conference on Bone Marrow Failure and Leukaemia Predisposition Syndromes

Date: November 15-17, 2024
Location: Paris, France

Chairpersons: Carmem Bonfim, Tim Brümmendorf, Antonio Risitano, Sharon Savage
Scientific Committee: Beatrice Drexler, Carlo Dufour, Morag Griffin, Régis Peffault de Latour

With the support of the Severe Aplastic…

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Register here

The registration fee for the ESH-EBMT-EHA-IPIG 3rd Translational Research Conference: Bone Marrow Failure and Leukaemia Predisposition Syndromes is:
– 600€ for fully trained
– 300€ for in-training *
– 300€ Allied Health Professionals
– 600€ for Corporate
*A proof will be requested to confirm your status.…

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Burnout survey

The burnout survey is open until 23:59 on September 30, 2024. Complete the survey now

Burnout in hematologyBurnout is, in broad terms, a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.

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The European Hematology Association promotes excellence in patient care, research, and education in hematology. We serve medical professionals, researchers, and scientists with an active interest in hematology.

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Abstract submission

Abstract submission is now closed. Abstracts guidelines:
– Your abstract has to be structured (eg Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions)
– Maximum number of words: 500
– Your abstract will be submitted to the peer review procedure.

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EHA Exam

EHA Exam 2025
The 9th European Hematology Exam will take place in June 2025. Main exam session
The main exam session will be held during the EHA2025 Hybrid Congress in Milan, Italy.

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Chairs and Members

ChairGiancarlo Castaman, University of Florence - Careggi University Hospital, Florence (Italy)

Co-chairAnna Falanga, University of Milan Bicocca and Hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo (Italy)

SWG Steering Committee
Ajay K Kakkar, Thrombosis Research Institute, London (United Kingdom)
Augusto Federici, University of Milan, University Hospital Luigi…

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EHA-SfPM Precision Medicine Meeting

EHA and SfPM (Society for Functional Precision Medicine) are proud to present the first joint meeting on Precision Medicine.

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How to apply

The CRTH 2025 call for applications are open. Apply now

Application CRTH 2025
Deadline: September 24, 2024 (15:00 CEST)

November 2024

Questions: training@ehaweb. orgDownload the Signature letter template.

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