Molecular Hematopoiesis Workshop
The Molecular Hematopoiesis Workshop at the EHA2025 Congress is back!
OrganizersChair: Michael Milsom (Germany)
Co-chairs: Kim De Keersmaecker (Belgium), Elisa Laurenti (United Kingdom) & Britta Will (United States)
Submit your abstract for the workshop here
Program The workshop will take place on Thursday, June…
Infections in Hematology Webinar Series
Monthly webinars to provide theoretical and practical knowledge for hematologists whose patients develop infection complications. What is the Infections in Hematology Webinar Series?The series is an EHA SWG on Infections in Hematology initiative.
Read moreStem Cells Journal Club
Join us for engaging, relatable, and memorable discussions about scientific findings. What is the Stem Cells Journal Club?The Stem Cells Journal Club is a way to get the 'inside scoop' on the development of some inspirational hematology papers.
Read moreBorderless careers
Start enriching your professional journey with EHA todayAdvance your career at any stage with the European Hematology Association.
Read moreFrom bedside to Brussels: hematology at the forefront of EU health policy
Access is at the heart of EHA's European Affairs work. More specifically, equitable and affordable access to innovative therapies that are of clear added benefit from a clinical, patient, and public health perspective.
Read moreCollaboration with the EMA on Joint Clinical Assessments and Joint Scientific Consultations under the HTA Regulation
The European Hematology Association (EHA) welcomes the draft Implementing Act laying down procedural rules for the exchange of information between the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Coordination Group, the European Commission, and the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
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The European Health Data Space (EHDS) Regulation has made it to the EU’s Official Journal, almost three years after the initial proposal was published.
Read moreThe new EU clinical trials map is online
A new clinical trial map was launched by EMA as part of the Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) on March 3.
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