
ATMPs and CAR-T: the uptake challenge

Advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) are a game changer for improving the life of patients with severe to life-threatening diseases. In hematology, for instance, CAR T cell therapy has shown promising results in tackling different blood cancers.

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EHA-SRH-SHTRM Balkan Hematology Tutorial 2023

EHA is joining forces with the Societatea Românã de Hematologie (SRH) and Scientific and Practical Society of Hematologists and Transfusiologists from the Republic of Moldova (SHTRM) to organize the EHA-SRH-SHRTM Balkan Hematology Tutorial.

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SWG Education Activities

Session at EHA2023The EHA2023 Congress was held in Frankfurt in June 2023. During the event, we held a session with the EHA Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Taskforce on the treatment of AYA patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL).

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