EHA-SEHH joint membership
Save money and time by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Sociedad Española de Hematología y Hemotherapia. We've joined forces with the Sociedad Española de Hematología y Hemotherapia (SEHH) to offer a special joint membership deal.
Read moreEHA-SIE joint membership
Save money and time money by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Società Italiana di Ematologia. We've joined forces with the Società Italiana di Ematologia (SIE) to offer a special joint membership deal.
Read moreEHA-SSH joint membership
Save money and time by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Swiss Society of Hematology. We've joined forces with the Swiss Society of Hematology (SSH) to offer a special joint membership deal.
Read moreStem Cells Journal Club
Join us for engaging, relatable, and memorable discussions about scientific findings. What is the Stem Cells Journal Club?The Stem Cells Journal Club is a way to get the 'inside scoop' on the development of some inspirational hematology papers.
Read moreMeeting Program
For the program please click here.
If you would like a printable / PDF version of the program, you can download it via the 'Scientific Programme' tab in the above linked planner.
Register for EHA2025
Get ready to make new connections in Milan from June 12–15, 2025. Register now for EHA's reimagined Congress experience.
Read moreEHA Endorsement of ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines on Hodgkin Lymphoma
EHA and ESMO agreed to collaborate in the production of European Guidelines for different hematological malignancies. For the second workshop in the series participants joined us for the EHA Endorsement of ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines on Hodgkin Lymphoma.
Read moreEHA Guidelines on Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemias in Adults
Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) is a disease of the elderly, and by far the most frequent overlap myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm in adults.
Read moreFirst Hybrid HOPE meeting in Bangkok, Thailand - a report
Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Asia 2022
September 2-3, 2022 – Bangkok, Thailand
Meeting chairs
A Almeida, President, European Hematology Association (EHA)
G Gaidano, Chair Global Outreach Committee, European Hematology Association (EHA)
P Rojnuckarin, President, Thai Society of Hematology (TSH)
S Hongeng, Vice President, Thai Society…