
Report "Haematology and the next European Decade"

EHA and the European Cancer Patient Coalition co-hosted a meeting at the European Parliament in Brussels on August 30-31, 2011. The two-day conference was attended by doctors, researchers, parliamentarians, patient advocates and Commission officials.

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Experience With IVDR Implementation in Three Diagnostic Laboratories: Messages to EU Health Institutions, Diagnostic Healthcare Payers, and Authorities

Lubbers, Bart R. ; Dombrink, Isabel; Kalina, Tomas; Hofmans, Mattias; Bruun, Morten S. ; Stanworth, Simon J. ; Béné, Marie C.

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In Memoriam Jean Claude Brouet

Professor Jean Claude Brouet passed away on December 12, 2022 at the age of 80.

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Executive office

The EHA Board and its committees are supported by the Executive Office. An international team of staff members work in a dynamic, result-driven and open environment and takes pride in serving the association in an efficient manner.

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SWG Educational Activities

During the annual meeting of EHA, a scientific session was organized: “Mesenchymal stromal cells: guardians of tissue homeostasis”.

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Season's Greetings

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What can I expect?

Learning objectives

Discuss the principles of translational research design and execution. Recognize the ethical and regulatory issues of translational research. Examine the fundamentals of competitive grant writing, abstract presentation, and manuscript preparation.

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