
EHA Mentorship Program eligibility

Before applying for the EHA Mentorship Program, please consider the eligibility criteria on this page. You should also read our policy on life events.

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Anna Vardi Physician Scientist Research Grant winner 2018

Please tell us more about yourself (name, lab, short bio)
I am Anna Vardi. I am currently working as a Consultant Hematologist at the Hematology Department and HCT Unit, G. Papanikolaou Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece, under the Directorship of Dr.

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Meet our first Physician Scientist Research Grant winner

In 2018 the Physician Scientist Research Grant was awarded for the first time.

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Participation grants & abstract awards

Participation grants
The call for participation grant applications has closed on March 1, 2021 (23:59 CET). Participation grant application has closed

Participation Grants (previously called Travel Grants) provide complimentary registration for the upcoming EHA Virtual Congress.

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EHA Bilateral Collaborative Grant review and selection process

1. Eligibility checkAfter the deadline has passed, we'll check your application for completion and compliance with the eligibility criteria.

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EHA Meeting Hub

Book a free-of-charge space at EHA2025 where you can meet your colleagues and further your work in person. What is the EHA Meeting Hub?The EHA Meeting Hub is a bookable on-site space at the EHA Congress venue in Milan.

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