
Granulocytes & Constitutional Marrow Failures Disorders

The Specialized Working Group (SWG) on Granulocytes and Constitutional Marrow Failure Syndromes (G&CMFS) derives from the fusion of the formerly existing SWG on Granulocyte and Monocyte Disorders with other initiatives, grown within the EHA environment, related to Constitutional Marrow Failure…

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Code of Conduct

The guidelines below govern the publication of, and commentary on the EHA Hematology Hub. Please read through them before participating. 1. Abide by the rules that normally apply.

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Infections in Hematology Webinar Series

Monthly webinars to provide theoretical and practical knowledge for hematologists whose patients develop infection complications. What is the Infections in Hematology Webinar Series?The series is an EHA SWG on Infections in Hematology initiative.

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Burnout survey

The burnout survey closed on October 25, 2024. Burnout in hematologyBurnout is, in broad terms, a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.

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Daratumumab, a CD38 monoclonal antibody study in advanced multiple myeloma – an open-label, dose escalation followed by open-label extension in a single-arm phase I/II study

Daratumumab is a human CD38 monoclonal antibody being tested against multiple myeloma, but it could also have potential in a broad range of other hematological diseases.

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