Patient organizations
EHA greatly values the collaboration with patient organizations in a growing number of areas, from joint advocacy and a strong presence at the EHA Annual Congress – with a prominent place for the EHA-Patient Joint Symposium on policy and regulatory…
Read moreSpecial train fare discount
Discounts of up to 75% on Trenitalia train journeys for EHA2025 delegates.
Read moreFrom bedside to Brussels: hematology at the forefront of EU health policy
Access is at the heart of EHA's European Affairs work. More specifically, equitable and affordable access to innovative therapies that are of clear added benefit from a clinical, patient, and public health perspective.
Read moreCollaboration with the EMA on Joint Clinical Assessments and Joint Scientific Consultations under the HTA Regulation
The European Hematology Association (EHA) welcomes the draft Implementing Act laying down procedural rules for the exchange of information between the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Coordination Group, the European Commission, and the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
Read moreYoung National Society Ambassadors
Early-career ambassadors from national societies who liaise with EHA and the Young EHA Committee on different projects.
Read moreHemaSphere Editorial Board
Jan Cools, Belgium
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Claire Harrison, United Kingdom
Associate Editors
Jeroen Eikenboom, The Netherlands
Simone Ferrero (Italy)
Adele Fielding, United Kingdom
Simon Hallam, United Kingdom
Robert Hills, United Kingdom
Steffen Koschmieder, Germany
Marek Mraz (Czech Republic)
Paula Rodríguez Otero, Spain
Juerg Schwaller, Switzerland
Francesca Vinchi, USA
Scientific Editors
Charles de Bock, Australia
Stephen Hibbs, United…
Jobs at EHA
The European Hematology Association (EHA) is a not-for-profit organization that supports and connects hematologists worldwide. EHA promotes excellence in patient care, research, and education in hematology towards a cure for all blood disorders.
Read moreEHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on From aging hematopoietic stem cells to age-related diseases: opportunities for intervention
Dates: November 13-15, 2025
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Chairs: M Essers, E Laurenti, S Valletta, K Kirschner
Collaborating SWG: EHA Specialized Working Group (SWG) on Stem Cells and SWG on Aging
Registration will be open soon
Join leading experts in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) biology and aging, and…