I4MDS consortium: advancing MDS treatment and understanding
The role of the immune system in the pathophysiology of Myelodysplastic Neoplasms (MDS) is firmly established. However, routine immune monitoring for these patients is still not a common practice.
Read moreGrants & abstract awards
EHA Travel GrantsThe call for travel grant applications will be open from January 1, 2025 until March 1, 2025 (23:59 CET). New: Grant applications have been integrated into the EHA2025 Abstract Submission form.
Read moreEHA-SFH joint membership
Save money and time by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Société Française d’Hématologie. We've joined forces with the Société Française d’Hématologie (SFH) to offer a special joint membership deal.
Read moreEHA Education & Mentoring Award
“Educating and mentoring are a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction. ”
Through this award, EHA recognized excellent teachers and mentors at any stage of their career.
José Carreras Award
José Carreras, who himself underwent a transplant procedure in Seattle, USA, in 1988, was instrumental in setting up the José Carreras Foundation in Barcelona. The Foundation has established a program of scholarships for scientists working in the field.
Read moreManage your membership
It's easy to amend your contact details or update your preferences. To get started, make sure you have your MyEHA log-in details. You can then follow the relevant steps below.
Read moreRenew your membership
If you want to keep enjoying the benefits of EHA membership— from around-the-clock access to EHA Campus to discounts on EHA Congress registration—you'll need to renew your membership.
Read moreScam alert
Beware of unauthorized or fraudulent hotel and registration booking agencies. INTERPLAN AG is the official housing bureau for the EHA2025 Congress.
Read moreNominate yourself
You can nominate yourself for an EHA Board role as long as you have:
Any type of EHA membership apart from healthcare-affiliated membership
Paid your annual membership fees
If you're unsure how to pay your annual membership fees, visit our renew your membership…