Chairs and Members
ChairPieter Sonneveld (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
Niels Abildgaard (Odense, Denmark)
Meral Beksac (Ankara, Turkey)
Luca Berthamini (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Lenka Bešše, Brno (Czech Republic)
Dr Bila (Belgrade, Serbia)
Nicole Brolli (Milano, Italy)
Sara Bringhen (Turin, Italy)
Mario Boccadoro (Turin, Italy)
Anna Maria Brioli (Bologna, Italy)
Annemiek Broyl (Rotterdam, Netherlands)—also Chair of Young…
SWG Education Activities
Session at EHA2023The EHA2023 Congress was held in Frankfurt in June 2023. During the event, we held a session with the EHA Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Taskforce on the treatment of AYA patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL).
Read moreChairs and Members
Chair (re-appointment, 2023–2026)Josef Vormoor—Professor of Hematological Malignancies in Children, University Medical Center Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Co-chair (re-appointment, 2023–2026)Maria Ester Bernardo—Clinical Coordinator, Clinical Research Unit, San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (Italy)
SWG Steering Committee members (2024–2027 term)
SWG Secretary—Francesco Saglio, AOU Città…
Curriculum-Exam Committee
Current committee members
Jose Tomás Navarro Ferrando, Spain (Chair)
Marielle Wondergem, The Netherlands (Vice-Chair and Progress test lead)
Alicia Rovó, Switzerland (Representative, Swiss Society)
Regular members
Gunnar Birgegård, Sweden
Roza Chaireti, Sweden
Carlos Fernández de Larrea, Spain
Mahesh Prahladan, United Kingdom
Ulla Wartiovaara-Kautto, Finland
AimTo promote harmonization in hematology training…
Young EHA Committee
Current committee members
Nuno Borges, United Kingdom (Chair)
Alba Maiques Diaz, Spain (Vice-Chair)
Elizabeth Macintyre, France (EHA Past President)
Regular members
Anna Avagyan, Armenia
Côme Bommier, France
Lorenzo Brunetti, Italy
Ana Filipa Marques Saraiva, Portugal
Eleni Gavriilaki, Greece
Ruxandra Irimia, Romania
Rafal Machowicz, Poland
Pedro Moura, Sweden
Rhiannon Newman, Finland
Marlies Vanden Bempt, Belgium
European Board for Accreditation in Hematology
Current committee members
Peter van den Burg, The Netherlands (Chair and ISBT representative—transfusion medicine)
Michelle Kenyon, United Kingdom (EBMT Nurses Group representative—Specialized Hematology Professional)
Fionnuala Ní Áinle, Ireland (ISTH representative—thrombosis and hemostasis)
Annalisa Ruggeri, Italy (Representative, clinical hematology)
Isabel Sanchez-Ortega, Spain (EBMT representative)
Ana Filipa Marques…
Chairs and members
ChairAli Taher, American University of Beirut Medical Center (Lebanon)
Co-chairAchille Iolascon, University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
SWG Steering Committee members
Patricia Aguilar Martinez, Henri Mondor University Hospital (France)
Maria Domenica Cappellini, University of Milan (Italy)
Marta Morado, Hospital Universitario La Paz (Spain)
Martina Muckenthaler, University…
Education Committee
Current committee members
Kirsten Grønbæk, Denmark (Chair)
Jose Tomás Navarro Ferrando, Spain (Vice-Chair)
Meritxell Alberich Jordà, Czech Republic (Board Member, Councilor)
Antonio Almeida, Portugal (EHA President)
Ruxandra Irimia, Romania (Representative, Young EHA)
Marielle Wondergem, The Netherlands (Chair, Education Editors Group)
Raul Córdoba Mascuñano, Spain (Chair, Community &…
Nomination Committee
Current committee members
Tony Green, United Kingdom (Chair)
Regular members
Maria Ester Bernardo, Italy
Jan Cools, Belgium
Sabine Eichinger, Austria
Shai Izraeli, Israel
Irene Roberts, United Kingdom
AimThe Nomination Committee (NC) is responsible for ensuring the quality of the EHA Board related to scientific and educational background, and balance…