For mentors of applicants
As part of your support for the candidate applying for CBTH, the following is required from you:
Supervision and mentorship to be provided to the applicant during the CBTH award year.
Chairs and Members
Prof Arnon Kater (2021-2024)
Amsterdam University Medical Centers, University of Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Prof Dr Sarka Pospisilova (2021-2024)
Masaryk Univerzity and Univerzity Hospital Brno
Czech Republic
SWG Executive Board members:
Carol Moreno (Hospital Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain)
Richard Rosenquist (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden)
Andy Rawstron (HMDS, Leeds, UK)
Yair Herishanu…
Precision Hematology
The Precision Hematology Topics-in-Focus program will promote innovative concepts for diagnostics and innovative clinical trial designs, which should translate into the clinical application of precision hematology.
Read morePreanalytical WG
Reviewing SOPs for sample handling and storage to ensure uniformity across the consortium. Overseeing the logistics of sample collection. Defining the minimum (core markers) and extended panels for immunophenotyping. Establishing good practice sampling for retrospective analysis.
Clinical WG
Identifying the clinical data required for collection. Locating clinical trials where suitable samples will be collected or have already been collected. Involvement in the European Registry. Assessing the type of database and dataset currently available.