
Research & Mentoring

One of EHA’s key pillars is investing in future leaders in hematology.

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SWG Educational Activities

Social and public EHA-related activitiesX/Twitter accountThe SWG on Infections in Hematology has an account on X (formerly known as Twitter). Our name on X is @EHAInfectionsH1.

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HemAffairs holds your monthly dose of policy, regulatory and pharma news with impact on hematology in Europe. We also keep you abreast of relevant publications and events to keep an eye on. Enjoy the read! 


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Granulocytes & Constitutional Marrow Failures Disorders

The Specialized Working Group (SWG) on Granulocytes and Constitutional Marrow Failure Syndromes (G&CMFS) derives from the fusion of the formerly existing SWG on Granulocyte and Monocyte Disorders with other initiatives, grown within the EHA environment, related to Constitutional Marrow Failure…

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National societies

EHA pursues close collaboration with the national hematology societies to ensure that the professional hematology community in Europe is served in the best possible way.

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EHA-Balkan Hematology Day 2023

EHA is joining forces with the national societies from the Balkan countries and co-organizing with them the 4th edition of the EHA-Balkan Hematology Day.

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Call for interest — new La Cantera event

The call for interest is open until 23:59 on November 30, 2024. Complete the Word application form now

In 2025, EHA will provide funding for a new La Cantera coaching event.

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