
EHA-KCS Hematology Tutorial on Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma

Dates: March 14-16, 2019
Location: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Chairs: G Gaidano, D Kaidarova
Co-chairs: S Gabbasova, B Afanasyev 

This meeting will be held in English and offer a simultaneous translation to Russian.

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Advocacy priorities

The European Union works on countless pieces of legislation and policies that affect the health ecosystem. Some are relevant to most medical disciplines, including hematology—such as the legislation on health data or pharmaceuticals.

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EHA Diagnosis

EHA Diagnosis is a new digital tool that EHA has created exclusively for our members.

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Two genes cooperate to trigger leukemia development

Congratulations to the international group of researchers led by HemaSphere Editor-in-Chief Prof.

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