

Experience With IVDR Implementation in Three Diagnostic Laboratories: Messages to EU Health Institutions, Diagnostic Healthcare Payers, and Authorities

Lubbers, Bart R. ; Dombrink, Isabel; Kalina, Tomas; Hofmans, Mattias; Bruun, Morten S. ; Stanworth, Simon J. ; Béné, Marie C.

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Antithrombotic Treatment in Patients With Hemophilia: an EHA-ISTH-EAHAD-ESO Clinical Practice Guidance
Schutgens REG, Jimenez-Yuste V, Escobar M, Falanga A, Gigante B, Klamroth R, Lassila R, Leebeek FWG, Makris M, Owaidah T, Sholzberg M, Tiede A, Werring DJ, van der Worp HB,…

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EHA-EBMT CAR T-cell Meeting

On this page, you can browse and/or download the 7th European CAR T-cell Meeting Sponsor Program. If the Sponsor Program does not display correctly, please click here or download the file.

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SWG Educational Activities

Symposium on ‘Aging and Hematology’Title‘Octogenarians, the oldest old. ’

Date and timeFriday, June 9, 2023, from 09:45-10:45. LocationRoom Fantasie, Frankfurt Messe, Frankfurt, Germany. Speakers
The scientist perspective—Kristina Kirschner (United Kingdom). The hematologist perspective—Valentin Goede (Germany).

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May 8 - International Thalassaemia Day

Every year on the 8th May, Thalassaemia International Federation commemorates the International Thalassaemia Day and organises activities for raising awareness about the genetic blood disorder of thalassaemia, on general topics regarding its prevention, management and cure.

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Chairs and members

Chair (2024–2027 term)Igor Aurer (education and scientific meetings co-lead) – University Hospital Centre Zagreb, University of Zagreb and KroHem, Croatia

Co-chair (2024–2027 term)Martin Dreyling (guidelines lead) – University Hospital Grosshadern, Ludwig Maximilian University and GLA, Germany

SWG Executive Board members (2024–2027 term)
Kim Linton (scientific secretary) –…

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