
Hematology and oncology, pacemakers for EU HTA

EHA’s Martin Kaiser, right, addressing his fellow panelists. Left to right: Brian Cuffel (Bayer), Caroline Pothet (EMA), Roisin Adams (HTA CG), Bernhard Wörmann (DGHO) and Elisabeth de Vries (ESMO).

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EHA Research Grant review and selection process

1. Eligibility checkAfter the deadline has passed, we'll check your application for completion and compliance with the eligibility criteria.

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EHA Innovation Grant review and selection process

1. Eligibility checkAfter the deadline has passed, we'll check your application for completion and compliance with the eligibility criteria.

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Participation grants & abstract awards

Participation grants
The call for participation grant applications has closed on March 1, 2021 (23:59 CET). Participation grant application has closed

Participation Grants (previously called Travel Grants) provide complimentary registration for the upcoming EHA Virtual Congress.

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