
GoCART Coalition - Call for research proposals within Work Package 6: Scientific Excellence

Dear GoCART community, 

With more than 1500 CAR-T infusions registered in the EBMT registry, EHA and EBMT are proud to announce a series of scientific calls within Work Package 6: Scientific Excellence of the GoCART coalition.

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Burnout - it doesn't just happen to someone else

Burnout - it doesn't just happen to someone else

By Dr. med.

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Expert opinions for COVID-19 vaccination in patients with hematologic cancer

Ronja Brockhoff, Hamdi Akan, Rafael Duarte, Martin Hönigl, Nikolay Klimko, Sibylle C. Mellinghoff, Livio Pagano, Antonio Pagliuca, Paul Verweij, Oliver A.

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Mini-hormone fights iron

Iron overload commonly leads to organ damage and even death. Currently available treatments for iron overload are burdensome or cause side effects.

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EHA Education & Mentoring Award

“Educating and mentoring are a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction. ”

Through this award, EHA recognized excellent teachers and mentors at any stage of their career.

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