
Speaker Guidelines

On this page you can find the detailed instructions for your abstract and presentation, as referred to in the Confirmation email.

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Nomination criteria

General criteriaOur refreshed EHA Awards program is designed to recognize and encourage the extraordinary achievements of individuals across the field of hematology. Eligibility
To nominate or be nominated, you must be an EHA member.

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2018’s Sjöberg Prize awarded for unique treatment that cures a once fatal cancer

Dr. Zhu Chen, Dr. Anne Dejean and Dr. Hugues de Thé will be awarded the Sjöberg Prize 2018 for their work on how acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) could be cured based on arsenic and retinoic acid.

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Scam alert

Beware of unauthorized or fraudulent hotel and registration booking agencies. INTERPLAN AG is the official housing bureau for the EHA2025 Congress.

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