
SWG Educational Activities

Social and public activitiesSince 2020, Prof Hermann Einsele has been a Councilor to the EHA Board. Scientific activitiesFifth European CAR T-cell meetingDateFebruary 9–11, 2023. LocationRotterdam, The Netherlands.

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Other Sponsorship Opportunities


Sponsors are welcome to support EHA by providing hematologists with a membership. Annual membership fees can be paid for by companies. This will allow those members to benefit from the network and opportunities EHA offers.

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Nomination Committee

Current committee members
Tony Green, United Kingdom (Chair)
Regular members
Maria Ester Bernardo, Italy
Jan Cools, Belgium
Sabine Eichinger, Austria
Shai Izraeli, Israel
Irene Roberts, United Kingdom
AimThe Nomination Committee (NC) is responsible for ensuring the quality of the EHA Board related to scientific and educational background, and balance…

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For mentors of applicants

As part of your support for the candidate applying for CBTH, the following is required from you:

Supervision and mentorship to be provided to the applicant during the CBTH award year.

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‘i4MDS’ consortium wins prestigious EHA Innovation Grant

In a significant development, the International Integrative Innovative Immunology for Myelodysplastic Neoplasms consortium—known as the ‘i4MDS’— has received an esteemed EHA Innovation Grant.

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EHA Mentorship Program overview

Program goalsThe EHA Mentorship Program aims to:

Provide the early and mid-career European hematology community with access to mentorship that's relevant to their career stage
Expose hematologists and researchers from less professionally mobile backgrounds to career mentorship and best practices from other…

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Mission ‘Gene Therapy’ for Horizon Europe

Mission ‘Gene Therapy’ for Horizon Europe

Advanced therapies, such as gene therapy, hold promise for treating a wide range of chronic diseases and improving patients’ quality of life.

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