Hans Erik Johnsen 1948-2018
On May 17, 2018, just after his 70th birthday, Hans Erik Johnsen passed away. Hans Johnsen was Professor of Clinical Hematology at the Department of Hematology at Aalborg University in Denmark.
Read moreSWG Educational Activities
2023 meetingsThe following EHA-SWG meetings took place in the past calendar year:
54th General Assembly of ERIC members at ELN Symposium 2023
Mannheim, Germany
April 18, 2023
ERIC/Brazilian CLL Group workshop on biomarkers in CLL
Brasilia, Brazil
May 25–26, 2023
55th General Assembly of ERIC members at…
Meeting Program
Program by dayPlease click on the image to open the full program by day. Program-at-a-glance
Please click on the image to open the program-at-a-glance.
Madrid Declaration: joint call for action on training requirements
The Madrid Declaration on enhanced training requirements for hematologists in the Professional Qualifications Directive enjoyed broad support from national society representatives at the EHA22 National Societies Dinner in Madrid.
Read moreNikolai Klimko 1956-2023
Professor Nikolai Klimko
Professor Nikolai Klimko, MD PhD, FECMM
March 22, 1956 - March 30, 2023
With deepest sorrow we learned that on March 30, 2023, Professor Nikolai Nikolaevich Klimko passed at age 68.
Turning thoughts into reality
Turning thoughts into reality
By Dr Adi Zoref (@ZorefAdi)
I am an Israeli physician, trained in internal medicine. During my residency rotation in hematology at Meir Medical Center, I met a patient who changed my life.