EHA-SRH joint membership
Save money and time by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Societatea Română de Hematologie. We've joined forces with the Societatea Română de Hematologie (SRH) to offer a special joint membership deal.
Read moreEHA-THD joint membership
Save money and time by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Türk Hematoloji Derneği. We've joined forces with the Türk Hematoloji Derneği (THD) to offer a special joint membership deal.
Read moreChairs and Members
ChairPaolo Gresele, Department of Medicine, Section of Internal and Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Perugia, Perugia (Italy)
Vice-ChairTo be announced.
Call for interest — new La Cantera event
The call for interest is closed at 23:59 on November 30, 2024. In 2025, EHA will provide funding for a new La Cantera coaching event.
Read moreEHA-SFH joint membership
Save money and time by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Société Française d’Hématologie. We've joined forces with the Société Française d’Hématologie (SFH) to offer a special joint membership deal.
Read moreStem Cells Journal Club
Join us for engaging, relatable, and memorable discussions about scientific findings. What is the Stem Cells Journal Club?The Stem Cells Journal Club is a way to get the 'inside scoop' on the development of some inspirational hematology papers.
Read moreSpecial airfare discount
A 10% discount on Air France or KLM airfares for EHA2025 attendees. If you'll be flying to EHA2025, you can benefit from a special discount courtesy of Air France-KLM Global Meetings & Events.
Read moreEHA-HSH joint membership
Save money and time by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Hellenic Society of Haematology. We've joined forces with the Hellenic Society of Haematology (HSH) to offer a special joint membership deal.
Read moreWithout access to treatment, can we truly innovate in rare diseases?
Interview with Giampaolo Merlini
There have been many developments on rare diseases since the EU Orphan Medicinal Products Regulation came into force in 2000. As the European Commission is evaluating its effectiveness, EHA discussed with Prof.