Abstract & Clinical Case Submission

Abstract submission is an important part of the 7th European CAR T-cell Meeting. As a participant, you will have the opportunity to submit an abstract or case report for this meeting, and (if accepted) have the possibility to discuss it with the international faculty and your peers.

Submit your abstract or case here

Please note that the submission of an abstract/case report constitutes a formal commitment by the author to attend the meeting in Strasbourg, France (if the abstract is accepted) and, if required, present the abstract as an oral or poster presentation in the session and the time assigned by the Scientific Program Committee.

Abstract awards

Introduced in 2021 and after 4 editions, we are excited to announce the 5th Emerging Investigators EHA-EBMT Joint Fellowship Awards in the Field of Cell Therapy and Immunotherapy 2025. Submitters under 40 years old at the time of the submission, can apply for this award and the Scientific Program Committee will select 3 winners. Winners will receive € 10,000 and the opportunity to present their work.

Find more information here.

Submission procedure

The abstracts / clinical cases submitted via the submission portal will be reviewed and allocated by the Scientific Program Committee (SPC). There are two deadlines for abstract submission of 7th European CAR T-cell Meeting, which are October 31, 2024 (23:59 CET) and January 12, 2025 (23:59 CET). Submissions received after January 12, 2025 (23:59 CET) will not be considered.

  • Regular abstract/clinical case submission
    • Submission duration: July 1, 2024 - October 31, 2024 (23:59 CET)
    • Authors will be informed about the allocation by November 20, 2024
  • Late-breaker abstract/clinical case submission
    • Submission duration: January 1, 2025 - January 12, 2025 (23:59 CET)
    • Authors will be informed about the allocation by January 20, 2025

Should you have any questions regarding the abstract submission or terms, please contact scientificmeetings@ehaweb.org.

Guidelines for the abstract and clinical case submission

The Abstract and Clinical Case Submission Guidelines of the 7th European CAR T-cell Meeting are intended to provide clear instructions before submitting an abstract. You are kindly requested to carefully read the guidelines.

  • Title count: max. 300 characters incl. space.
  • Character limit: 3500 characters (incl. spaces, punctuation, and headers in the template).
  • Please use the following subheadings: Background / Aims / Methods / Results / Summary - Conclusion
  • Images have to be submitted as JPEG, TIF, or GIF files: 
    • Due to limited space, only a simple graph/image can be submitted.
    • Images and graphs should reproduce well in black and white.
    • Image file should not exceed 500KB.
  • Authors: There is no limit to the number of authors.
  • References are obligatory when submitting an abstract or clinical case.

Abstract and clinical case submission topics

  1. Clinical case on lymphoma
  2. Clinical case on adult/pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia
  3. Clinical case on multiple myeloma
  4. Clinical case on solid tumors
  5. Clinical case on autoimmune diseases
  6. Clinical case on management of toxicity (incl. side effects)
  7. CAR-based Cellular Therapy - Preclinical: Innovative T cell engineering, CAR designs and optimization of CAR T cell function
  8. CAR-based Cellular Therapy - Preclinical: CAR T cell manufacturing methodologies
  9. CAR-based Cellular Therapy - Preclinical: Novel in vivo and in vitro models to functionally evaluate CAR T cells
  10. CAR-based Cellular Therapy - Preclinical: Mechanistic studies of CAR T efficacy and toxicities and tumor resistance
  11. CAR-based Cellular Therapy - Clinical: Clinical investigations into therapeutic applications of CAR-T cell in oncology and other fields, adult/pediatric indications
  12. CAR-based Cellular Therapy - Clinical: Challenges of CAR-based cellular therapy (improving effectiveness, CAR-T cell persistence and reducing toxicity of the therapy)
  13. CAR-based Cellular Therapy - Clinical: Diagnosis and treatment of toxicities (early and late)
  14. CAR-based Cellular Therapy - Clinical: Biomarkers
  15. Quality of Life
  16. Access to CAR T 

Key dates

A list of deadlines and important dates can be found below:

Presenting author registration

Oral presenting authors of accepted abstracts and/or cases will be allowed to register with the Early Registration discount fee, for which the details will be shared in the acceptance letter.

All other authors wishing to attend the meeting should complete their registration before December 1, 2024 (23:59 CET) to take advantage of the Early Registration discount fee.