EHA-SEHH joint membership
Save money and time by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Sociedad Española de Hematología y Hemotherapia.
We've joined forces with the Sociedad Española de Hematología y Hemotherapia (SEHH) to offer a special joint membership deal.
By joining both EHA and SEHH, you'll:
- Save money
- Enjoy the benefits of both organizations, including discounts on all EHA and SEHH meetings and access to EHA Campus
- Save time, as you'll only have to manage one membership
Offer details and how to apply
To find out more about the offer and submit an application, visit the SEHH website.
How we use your personal data
By applying to become a joint EHA-SEHH member, you agree that your membership information can be:
- Shared between EHA and SEHH
- Processed in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation
Your information will be used for administration and communication purposes only. Beyond this, we will not share your personal data with any other party.
Joint membership restrictions
You can apply for one joint membership offer per year.
For this offer, the type of EHA membership must be full membership.
The joint membership discount cannot be combined with any other offer, such as a mid-year reduction.