Register now for our new online platform, and connect, collaborate, and learn with the EHA community.

For over 30 years, EHA has been a leading platform for hematology professionals, and has helped our vibrant community to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices.

While our events, meetings, and trainings have been highly successful, we recognize that there is a need for a more dynamic and interactive way to connect and collaborate. So, later this year, we'll introduce a new online platform called MyEHA.

Why we're launching MyEHA

As with our events, our specialized working groups (SWGs) have been thriving. However, we have limited opportunities for members to connect with each other outside of their specific groups or activities.

With the launch of MyEHA, we aim to:

  • Provide a dynamic information platform for the hematology community
  • Help all members to engage with each other and with all of EHA's activities
  • Increase collaboration and dialogue between all members
  • Facilitate EHA committees and SWGs
  • Develop a learning platform for EHA

What you can expect from MyEHA

As a MyEHA user, you'll get:

  • Access to a centralized hub for all EHA activities and news
  • Opportunities to connect with colleagues from across Europe and beyond
  • Collaboration tools to facilitate discussions and knowledge sharing
  • Access to expert resources and learning materials
  • A place to read about your colleagues' experiences and best practices, and to share your own

Building for our community

Creating an active online community takes time and effort. During the coming months, we'll be:

  • Working closely with our members to develop and maintain a vibrant and engaging platform
  • Sharing best practices and lessons learned from other communities
  • Incorporating feedback from our members to ensure that our platform meets their needs

We expect to invite the first groups of members to MyEHA during the second half of 2024.

Register your interest

Be one of the first to experience the new European hematology online community platform.

Register your interest now, and in the coming weeks you'll receive an invitation and instructions by email. When our rollout begins, you can start connecting and collaborating with your fellow hematology professionals.

Register your interest in MyEHA