
EHA-SFH joint membership

Save money and time by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Société Française d’Hématologie. We've joined forces with the Société Française d’Hématologie (SFH) to offer a special joint membership deal.

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Molecular Hematopoiesis Workshop

The Molecular Hematopoiesis Workshop at the EHA2025 Congress is back!

OrganizersChair: Michael Milsom (Germany)
Co-chairs: Kim De Keersmaecker (Belgium), Elisa Laurenti (United Kingdom) & Britta Will (United States)

Submit your abstract for the workshop here

Program The workshop will take place on Thursday, June…

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Immunoglobulin shortages in the spotlight: EMA, SUPPLY and the SoHO Regulation

EMA executive director Emer Cooke welcoming participants including EHA at the Shortages Workshop, March 1


Shortages of immunoglobulins and the need to increase and sustain plasma supplies have moved to the center of the EU policy and regulatory stage.

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