ABT-199: Novel Bcl-2 specific inhibitor updated results confirm substantial activity and durable responses in high-risk CLL.
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) is the most common leukemia in adults in the Western world and is diagnosed in approximately 5 persons per 100,000 population per year.
Read moreMore than science: the European Affairs program at EHA2023
To develop and administer safe, innovative and effective treatments for patients with blood diseases, hematologists need an effective and enabling regulatory environment.
Read moreHighlights from the SWG
SWG Session at EHA2023ELN-EHA SWG for CML: CML: modelling the futureChairJane Apperley (United Kingdom)
Topics and presenters
Identifying new targets for BCR::ABL1 inhibition: Oliver Hantschel (Germany). Dissecting phylogenetic trees in CML: Aleksandra Kamizela (United Kingdom).
SWG Educational Activities
EICMLThe 2023 EICML meeting took place in Naples in May 2023. Fifty-five physicians and scientists met at the Palazzo Alabardieri in central Naples to spend two days discussing emerging data and developing collaborations.
Read moreRenew your membership
If you want to keep enjoying the benefits of EHA membership— from around-the-clock access to EHA Campus to discounts on EHA Congress registration—you'll need to renew your membership.
Read moreEHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Recent Advances in the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Secondary Acute Myeloid Leukemias
Dates: April 25-26, 2025
Location: Berlin, Germany
Chairs: K Döhner, P Vyas, and MT Voso
Collaborating SWG: EHA Specialized Working Group on Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Registration is now open
OverviewThe EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Recent Advances in the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Secondary Acute Myeloid Leukemias (sAML) will focus…
Participation grants & abstract awards
Participation grants
The call for participation grant applications has closed on March 1, 2021 (23:59 CET). Participation grant application has closed
Participation Grants (previously called Travel Grants) provide complimentary registration for the upcoming EHA Virtual Congress.