Category: Press releases
EHA: Bridging Breakthroughs in Hematology

The European Hematology Association (EHA) has undergone a remarkable transformation over the past two years, positioning itself as a future-ready organization dedicated to addressing the needs of the European hematology…
EHA mapping of adolescent and young adult (AYA) hematology patient care

EHA has launched a major consultation to understand patient care for Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) with hematological diagnoses across Europe.

The European Hematology Association (EHA), a dedicated community of healthcare professionals, who work tirelessly "Towards prevention, cure, and quality of life for all patients with blood disorders", expresses its deep…
Statement of Solidarity after Earthquake in Morocco

On behalf of the European Hematology Association, I would like to express my deepest condolences and heartfelt support to the people of Morocco who have been affected by the recent…
EHA collaborates with THD to provide critical aid to hematologists

The European Hematology Association (EHA) is proud to announce its partnership with the Türk Hematojoli Dernegi (THD) in a joint effort to support hematologists working in earthquake-affected areas in Türkiye and Syria.
Wiley and European Hematology Association Announce Partnership

Hoboken, NJ, (USA) and The Hague (Netherlands), June 9, 2023.
Wiley, one of the world’s largest publishers and a global leader in research and education, today announced that it will publish the open access journal HemaSphere on behalf of the European Hematology Association (EHA), the largest community of European hematologists, beginning in January 2024.
EHA launches Global Hematology Professionals’ Survey

The Hague (Netherlands), March 27, 2023. In unpredictable times, it's more important than ever that the European Hematology Association has a greater impact in harmonizing education, supporting career development and research, connecting hematologists worldwide, and advocating for the profession.
EHA Statement of Solidarity with local communities in Türkiye and Syria

The European Hematology Association (EHA) is deeply concerned about the situation in southern Türkiye and northern Syria: Monday's earthquakes and aftershocks have killed thousands of people and destroyed innumerable buildings,…
EHA Congratulates EHA Kick-Off Grant 2022 Winners

The Hague, December 8, 2022 – EHA Congratulates seven talented researchers in Hematology on their receipt of an EHA Kick-Off Grant 2022 after a rigorous selection process.
Rebuilding the future for hematology in Ukraine today

The Hague (Netherlands), December 5, 2022 - Nearly 8 million Ukrainians have fled their country since February 24 according to the UN Refugee Agency, while about 5 million people have…
HemaSphere, the Official Journal of the European Hematology Association, Receive…

The Hague, June 2022 - HemaSphere, the official peer-reviewed journal of the European Hematology Association (EHA), has received its first Journal Impact Factor™.
EHA and EMBL-EBI are launching CBTH

The Hague, May 2022 - The European Hematology Association (EHA) and the EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) are launching a new mentoring program, Computational Biology Training in Hematology (CBTH), this June.…
EHA Congratulates EHA Research Grants 2022 Recipients

The Hague, May 30, 2022 – EHA congratulates eight talented researchers in hematology on their receipt of the EHA Research Grants 2022 after a rigorous selection process.
EHA Congratulates the 2021 Bilateral Collaborative Grant Winners

The Hague, April 25, 2022 –EHA congratulates four talented researchers in Hematology on their receipt of the inaugural EHA Bilateral Collaborative Grants 2021 after a rigorous selection process.