EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial
Date: March 1-3, 2024
Format: In-Person
Location: Hyderabad, India
Chairs: P. K.
EHA Kick-off Grants
The call for applications is closed. The EHA Kick-off Grant is a one-year grant intended to support basic and translational early career researchers in hematology.
Read moreEHA Mentorship Program
A new, career-focused program that provides individual mentoring support for early and mid-career clinicians and researchers in hematology. The call for mentees closed on February 20, 2025.
Read more“Complement-ing” positive outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic
Dr Dimitrios Mastellos (@dmastellos)
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on research worldwide. Multiple projects have been halted and researchers have lost their jobs.
EHA Issues Recommendations on Mild to Moderate Bleeding Disorders
HemaSphere presents first in a series of Consensus Reports on Diagnosis of Inherited Bleeding Problems
For hematologists, it can be challenging to make the correct diagnosis in patients with bleeding problems – or even to determine whether there is any bleeding…