
Lighting the Flame Journal Club

A learning and connecting hematology experience led by alumni of the Lighting the Flame program. The Lighting the Flame Journal Club is an online group that's open to all members of the Lighting the Flame community.

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EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial

Session 1: Congenital and acquired neutropenias and bone marrow failure  

Lecture:  F Fioredda (here)
Clinical case: F Fioredda (here)
Self-assessment cases:
Speaker 1: M Mahapatra (Permission not granted)
Speaker 2: A Khurana (here)
Session 2: Hemolytic Anemia

Lecture:  L Da Costa (Not available)
Clinical case: L…

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The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) is an EU-funded, intergovernmental framework that aims to create pan-European research networks in all science fields and promote excellence, foster interdisciplinary research and empower young researchers and innovators.

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Abstract & Clinical Case Submission

Abstract submission is an important part of the 7th European CAR T-cell Meeting.

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Stem Cells Journal Club

Join us for engaging, relatable, and memorable discussions about scientific findings. What is the Stem Cells Journal Club?The Stem Cells Journal Club is a way to get the 'inside scoop' on the development of some inspirational hematology papers.

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SWG Educational Activities

General meetings in 2023Meetings to discuss the progress and management of collaborations within the European networks.

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Balduini C, Freson K, Greinacher A, Gresele P, Kühne T, Scully M, Bakchoul T, Coppo P, Dovc Drnovsek T, Godeau B, Gruel Y, Rao AK, Kremer Hovinga JA, Makris M, Matzdorff A, Mumford A, Pecci A, Raslova H, Rivera J,…

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Antithrombotic Treatment in Patients With Hemophilia: an EHA-ISTH-EAHAD-ESO Clinical Practice Guidance
Schutgens REG, Jimenez-Yuste V, Escobar M, Falanga A, Gigante B, Klamroth R, Lassila R, Leebeek FWG, Makris M, Owaidah T, Sholzberg M, Tiede A, Werring DJ, van der Worp HB,…

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