
EHA-SAH Hematology Tutorial on Acute Leukemia, MDS and BMF

Dates: September 11-12, 2020
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Chairs: G Stemmelin, G Ossenkoppele

The third EHA-SAH Hematology Tutorial will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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Speaker Guidelines

On this page you can find the detailed instructions for your abstract and presentation, as referred to in the Confirmation email.

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Killer antibodies against AML

Most patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) can only be cured when a stem cell transplant induces an immune response against the patient’s leukemia.

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Major research funding calls are out now

First, the Innovative Medicines Initiative published its final call under the EU Seventh Framework Programme. Interestingly for hematologists, the call includes a project called ‘Blood-based biomarker assays for personalized tumour therapy: value of circulating biomarkers’.

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