
Highlights from the SWG

SWG session at EHA2023The EHA2023 Congress was held in Frankfurt, Germany, in June 2023. As part of this event, the SWG held a session on Saturday, June 10, 2023. Title‘Stem cells: Clonal and mutational dynamics of hematopoietic stem cells.

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Chairs and Members

Chair ESLHO: Prof Dr J. J. M. van Dongen, USAL, Salamanca, Spain
Chair EuroFlow: Prof Dr J. J. M van Dongen, USAL, Salamanca, Spain
Chair EuroMRD: Prof Dr M.

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Chairs and Members


Marc H. G. P. Raaijmakers, M. D. , Ph. D.

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Preanalytical WG

Reviewing SOPs for sample handling and storage to ensure uniformity across the consortium. Overseeing the logistics of sample collection. Defining the minimum (core markers) and extended panels for immunophenotyping. Establishing good practice sampling for retrospective analysis.

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Chairs and Members

ChairGiancarlo Castaman, University of Florence - Careggi University Hospital, Florence (Italy)

Co-chairAnna Falanga, University of Milan Bicocca and Hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo (Italy)

SWG Steering Committee
Ajay K Kakkar, Thrombosis Research Institute, London (United Kingdom)
Augusto Federici, University of Milan, University Hospital Luigi…

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Chairs and Members

Chair (2017-ongoing)Oliver A. Cornely—University Hospital Cologne, Cologne (Germany)

Co-chair (2023-ongoing)Livio Pagano—Fondazione Policlinico A.

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Chairs and Members

ChairJane Apperley

Co-chairAndreas Hochhaus

Executive Board members (2021–2027 term)
Prof Nicholas CP Cross, University of Southampton (UK)
Prof Oliver Hantschel, University of Marburg (Germany)
Dr Delphine Rea, University of Paris (France)
Dr Katerina Machova Polakova, Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Prague; Charles University (Czech Republic)

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EHA Ranking 2025

The information on this page is also available as a printable PDF. EHA Ranking 2025 — PDF version

Priority points 
Corporate Level 

Johnson & Johnson  
1. 488,82  

Bristol Myers Squibb  

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