Integrated Diagnosis Strategies in Oncohematology for the Management of Cytopenias and Leukocytosis
111 hematologists from 31 countries met in Barcelona for a three-day scientific meeting on Integrated Diagnosis Strategies in Oncohematology for the Management of Cytopenias and Leukocytosis.
Read moreGenome sequencing of thousands of patients with rare blood disorders
Approximately 3M people have a rare bleeding disorder or disease of platelets, which are the cell fragments that help blood clot. The genetic causes of dozens of such disorders are known (e. g.
Read moreEuropean Hematologists will discuss breakthroughs in blood disorders in Milan, Italy - June 12-15, 2014
About the EHA Annual Congress
Hematology is a specialty that covers everything to do with blood: its origin in the bone marrow, diseases of blood and their treatments.
Blood Disorders: European Hematologists gather in Stockholm, June 13-16, 2013
About the EHA Annual Congress
Hematology is a specialty that covers everything to do with blood: its origin in the bone marrow, diseases of blood and their treatments.
Restoring Effective Anti-Tumor Response in Hodgkin Lymphoma with Nivolumab
Hodgkin Lymphoma typically affects young men and women in their 30s. Although it is highly curable with the current combination of chemo and radiation therapy, approximately 20% of patients will not be cured with first line regimens.
Read moreCRTH – reflections on a unique learning experience
CRTH (Clinical Research Training in Hematology) is a 9-month long unique training and mentoring experience focused on clinical research in Europe, with a global scope.
Read moreExpert opinions for COVID-19 vaccination in patients with non-malignant hematologic diseases
Carlo Dufour, Helen Papadaki, Alan Warren, Colm Bradley, Cristina Mecucci, Jan Palmblad, Cornelia Zeidler, Francesca Fioredda, Sam Salek, Brigitte Schlegelberger and Daniela Guardo, on behalf of the EHA SWG on Granulocytes and Constitutional Marrow Failure Disorders; Carlo L.
Read moreParticipation grants & abstract awards
Participation grants
The call for participation grant applications has closed on March 1, 2021 (23:59 CET). Participation grant application has closed
Participation Grants (previously called Travel Grants) provide complimentary registration for the upcoming EHA Virtual Congress.