
Patient organizations

EHA greatly values the collaboration with patient organizations in a growing number of areas, from joint advocacy and a strong presence at the EHA Annual Congress – with a prominent place for the EHA-Patient Joint Symposium on policy and regulatory…

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Expert opinions for specific non-malignant hematologic diseases

Red Cells and Iron
Hemoglobinopathies: Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia

Sickle Cell Disease Association of America (SCDSS)
Sickle Cell Disease and COVID-19: An Outline to Decrease Burden and Minimize Morbidity 
Italian Society of Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies

Thalassemia and Hemoglobin disorders Italian Society
Thalassemia International Federation (TIF)
The COVID-19…

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Splenic marginal zone lymphoma study update, February 2024

A project update from Dr Ahmed Ludvigsen Al-Mashhadi. I am truly grateful for this opportunity provided by EHA, and for EHA's effort in advancing research in a field that may otherwise be very difficult to explore.

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EHA Issues Recommendations on Mild to Moderate Bleeding Disorders

HemaSphere presents first in a series of Consensus Reports on Diagnosis of Inherited Bleeding Problems

For hematologists, it can be challenging to make the correct diagnosis in patients with bleeding problems – or even to determine whether there is any bleeding…

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Treatment, medicine and hematology research: What patients want and doctors need (to know)

Jan Geissler, a Patient Advocate remarked about the Congress: “Over and above scientific updates, much can be achieved in partnership between hematologists and patients.

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Press Release "Crucial Directives must be revised to protect patients' interests and improve access to treatment"

This was a key message of a two-day conference, “Haematology and the next European decade”, hosted by the European Parliament and attended by doctors, researchers, parliamentarians, patients’ organisations and Commission officials.

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