
Previous winners, 2012–2022

2022 winners
Alexandre Fagnan
Junior Research Grant 2022
Deciphering the chromatin remodeling mechanism mediated by GATA2 ZnF1 mutations in AML

Samuele Ferrari
Junior Research Grant 2022
Innovative targeted base editing strategies for gene correction of WHIM syndrome

Lars Velten
Advanced Research Grant 2022
The role of the DNA methylation…

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The EBMT/EHA CAR-T Cell Handbook
Editors: Nicolaus Kröger, John Gribben, Christian Chabannon, Ibrahim Yakoub-Agha, Hermann Einsele. 2022, ISBN 978-3-030-94352-3 ISBN 978-3-030-94353-0 (eBook).

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Highlights from the SWG

Project groupsPan-European Transfusion Research infrAstructure (PETRA) projectThe European Blood Alliance has provided funding for a health science data project entitled: ‘Towards a Pan-European Transfusion Research infrAstructure (PETRA).

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EHA Guidelines on Recommendations for Pregnancy in Rare Inherited Anemias

EHA and the Scientific Working Group on Red Cells and Iron organized the first online workshop on the EHA Guidelines: “Recommendations for Pregnancy in Rare Inherited Anemias”.

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Red Cells and Iron

This SWG covers the clinical areas of inherited and acquired disorders of the erythrocyte and iron metabolism.

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Selected EMA news

September 2024Safety update
Withdrawal of Oxbryta (Voxelotor) – marketing authorisation suspended
Treatment of haemolytic anaemia (excessive breakdown of red blood cells) due to sickle cell disease
New medicines approved
Adzynma (rADAMTS13) - orphan medicine
Treatment of congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (an inherited clotting disorder)

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Highlights of Past EHA - Cairo 2017

Dates: September 14 - 15, 2017
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Prof Azza Kamel, Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Hematology and Research (ESHR)
Prof Amal El-Beshlawy, Vice President, Egyptian Society of Hematology and Research (ESHR)
Prof John Gribben, President elect, European Hematology Association (EHA)
Prof Mohamad Qari, President, Pan…

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EHA-AHA Tutorial on Biology and Management of Myeloid Malignancies

In collaboration with the Armenian Hematology Association. Dates: October 20-21, 2017
Location: Yerevan, Armenia
Chairs: S Daghbashyan, JJ Kiladjian & P Fenaux
Language: English (with simultaneous translation to Russian)

Online registration is closed.

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