GAPP Joint Action
Joint Actions are projects designed and financed by Member State Authorities and the EU to address specific priorities under the EU Health Program.
Read moreEHA Mentorship Program overview
Program goalsThe EHA Mentorship Program aims to:
Provide the early and mid-career European hematology community with access to mentorship that's relevant to their career stage
Expose hematologists and researchers from less professionally mobile backgrounds to career mentorship and best practices from other…
HemaSphere - the official open access journal of EHAHemaSphere is the official open access, peer-reviewed journal of EHA, supporting hematology researchers by offering a fast and constructive review process and low publication fees.
Read moreCompliance and reports
EHA is a non-governmental and not-for-profit membership organization that is guided by its mission to promote excellence in patient care, research, and education in hematology.
Read moreEHA Research Grants
The call for applications is closed. EHA Research Grants support talented junior researchers in advancing their career—for example, by helping them move towards becoming the leader of a research group.
Read moreIntegrated Diagnosis Strategies in Oncohematology for the Management of Cytopenias and Leukocytosis
111 hematologists from 31 countries met in Barcelona for a three-day scientific meeting on Integrated Diagnosis Strategies in Oncohematology for the Management of Cytopenias and Leukocytosis.
Read moreGenome sequencing of thousands of patients with rare blood disorders
Approximately 3M people have a rare bleeding disorder or disease of platelets, which are the cell fragments that help blood clot. The genetic causes of dozens of such disorders are known (e. g.
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